David Ulrich is an active photographer and writer whose work has been published in numerous books and journals including Aperture, Parabola, Mānoa, and Sierra Club publications. Ulrich’s photographs have been exhibited internationally in over 75 one-person and group exhibitions in museums, galleries, and universities.
He is currently co-director of Pacific New Media Foundation in Honolulu, Hawai’i, and a faculty member at UC Berkeley. He previously taught for University of Hawai’i Mānoa and served as Professor and Chair of the Art Department at Cornish College of the Arts in Seattle as well as Associate Professor and Chair of the Photography Department of The Art Institute of Boston (now Lesley University College of Art and Design). He earned a BFA degree from the Museum School of Fine Arts in Boston and an MFA degree from the Rhode Island School of Design. He is a consulting editor for Parabola magazine and a frequent contributor.
David Ulrich is the best-selling author of The Mindful Photographer: Awake in the World with a Camera (Rocky Nook, 2022), Zen Camera: Creative Awakening with a Daily Practice in Photography (Watson Guptill/Penguin Random House 2018), and The Widening Stream: the Seven Stages of Creativity (Beyond Words/Simon and Schuster, 2002). His recent book of photographs, Oceano: An Elegy for the Earth, was published in 2023 by George F. Thompson Publishing.